1947 Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser
Serial #12-2853

This highly modified Super Cruiser 150 has undergone a complete restoration by George Baker of new Smyrna Beach. George started American Aero Services before transferring it to Gary Norville and has won many Oshkosh and Sun-N-Fun awards for his restorations. George then started George Baker Aviation and after transferring that business to Curtis Boulware he oaccomplished this last restoration during his third retirement before he passed.
The aircraft looks nearly new and shines everywhere!!!
This highly modified Super Cruiser has almost every mod available and is now essentially a 3 place Super Cub.
Manufacturer year | 1947 |
Model | PA-12-150 |
Serial # | 12-2853 |
Total time since new | 2385 hrs. |
Time since major OH engine | 875 hrs. |
Time since new prop | 925 hrs. |
Time since complete restoration | 120 hrs. |
Currently in license and flown regularly
Offered with a fresh annual at time of sale.
Original logs since new. Very well documented and photographed restoration.

-Garmin 530 WAAS GPS/NAV/COM/Moving map w/GS indicator
-Garmin GTX 330 transponder w/ADSB out
-PS Engineering PM1200 intercom
-Bezel lighted full six pack
-Digital tachometer
-Digital quartz chronometer
-All new Attlee Dodge panel w/ new circuit breakers and switches
-Lycoming 150HP STC (dynafocal mount)
-Removable aluminum belly skins
-One piece top hinged observation door with gas cylinders
-PA-18 Super Cub landing gear
-PA-18 Super Cub flap system
-PA-18 Super Cub Elevator system
-Extended internal baggage compartment
-Additional aft baggage compartment w/external door
-Welded float fittings installed
-Flap and aileron gap seals
-Attlee Dodge 61 gallon wing tanks
-Univair new aluminum stamped wing ribs
-Micro Aerodynamics vortex generators
-Large skylight
-Cleveland wheels and brakes
-Attlee Dodge lifting tabs
-Consolidaire wheel fairings
-Shoulder harnesses
-Steve’s Aircraft gascolator
-Univair lifetime sealed lift struts w/ 5/8” forks
-Prop spinne
-Vertical card compass
-1 3/4” tail spring w/Scott 3200 tail wheel
-Odyssey light weight dry cell battery
-Harrison oil cooler
-Cub Crafters fuel system mod
-Peterson auto fuel STC
-Inter Av alternator conversion
-Brackett air filter
-Whelen strobe light system w/LED nav lights
-Skytec light weight high torque starter
-B&C Specialty Products 90 degree spin on oil filter kit
-Attlee Dodge instrument panel

Super Cub landing gear

Vortex Generators

Aft external baggage door

Internal aft baggage behind rear seat

Top hinged observation door with gas cylinders

New Tail wires and hardware

Shoulder harnesses

Tinted skylight, vertical card compass, map/spot lights

Flap and aileron gap seals

Float fittings

Metal belly for durability and ease of inspection/maintenance

All new baffling

Attlee Dodge instrument panel with all new switches & circuit breakers and internally lighted instruments

1 5/8” heavy duty tail spring with Scott 3200 tail wheel

Aft baggage compartment with detailed floor and tie downs

Atllee Dodge lifting tabs for float installation

Like new custom interior w/sheepskin pilot seat

New detailed floor board sealed with West Systems Epoxy

Attention to details are evident everywhere

New exhaust

Inside of engine compartment is detailed with insides of cowling and firewall painted, all new skeet/scat tubing, baffle seals and hardware throughout . Bendix mags have new harnesses and recent overhauls. Carb has recent overhaul.

Oil cooler STC, Steve’s Gascolator, chrome rocker covers

There is nothing on this aircraft that is does not shine!

Whelen anti collision lights with LED nav light bulbs

61 gallon Attlee Dodge STCed fuel tanks and Super Cub wing flaps

Standard Airworthiness Certificate
Please email request for complete log book file, W&B data, original sales brochures and restoration pictures.
Price $149.5K
Available by appointment to inspect in Asheville NC (KAVL)
Call Norman Earle